Hokkaido Nepal Business Group Pvt. Ltd

Hokkaido Nepal Business Group is operated by a group of Japanese and Nepali citizens from Hokkaido, Japan. HNBG group has been operating Nepali Chain restaurants named "Bistarai Bistarai" at different locations in Hokkaido Prefecture of Japan since 2005. We aim to establish a bridge between Nepal & Japan through food culture. We are planning to open 100 outlets in the prime locations of Nepal by the year 2024.

PATA Nepal Chapter Membership #PNC 2023-07

  https://pata.org.np/storage/photos/1/ICON/Location.png Budhanilkantha, Nepal

  https://pata.org.np/storage/photos/1/ICON/contact.png +977 9801029927

  https://pata.org.np/storage/photos/1/ICON/email.png [email protected]

  https://pata.org.np/storage/photos/1/ICON/web.png http://hnbg.com.np/

Primary Contact Person

Mr. Arjun Adhikari