On April 21, 2016, PATA Nepal Chapter and Nepal Tourism Board jointly organized a workshop on “Destination Branding and Marketing Training” by Mr. Oliver Martin, (Brand Specialist from Twenty3) at Nepal Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management. The aim of the program was to highlight the importance of Market Segmentation and the relation between Destination Branding and Marketing.
Approximately 80 participants from various travel agents, tour operators, hoteliers, airlines, media house and students attended this workshop. Through this training the participants were able to explore the art of Branding, acceptance as well as understanding the challenges and weaknesses. The training also provided an opportunity to learn about the marketing strategies of many countries, who rose from crisis situations and adapted changes in their marketing strategies to overcome their shortage.
With the Training the participants gained knowledge on;
- The current global trend and best practice in Destination Branding and Marketing.
- Key aspects of Brand Management, Content Marketing, Consumer Segmentation, Travel Consumer path to purchase and importance of signature experiences.
- Better understanding of Nepal’s Unique Selling Points (UPS) and how they match to the competitive landscape and travel consumer preferences.
- New trends in Destination Branding and Marketing and how these will impact Nepal’s marketing strategies.
- Elevate the thinking of the Tourism Entrepreneurs and Stake Holders’ in Destination Branding and Marketing.