December 11, 2020 | Kathmandu
Our esteemed member, Global College International (GCI) is organising 2nd Global International Conference on "Business and Economic Development Models for Nepal Under Covid-19 Impact" virtually(Zoom) on Saturday, Dec 12, 2020, at 10:00 am.
Chief Guest Hon. Ram Sharan Mahat, Former Finance Minister, Hon. Padma K. Aryal, Minister of Land Reform Management, Bhawani Rana, Former President FNCCI, and Rameshor Khanal, Former Secretary of Finance Ministry will present their economic development models and vision in the Inaugural Session.
The conference will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Pushkar Bajracharya. Total 3 sessions and 30 papers will be presented in 5 different parallel sessions. A Total of 15 International Professors/Deans/Directors/researchers will be the speakers/presenters in the keynote session.
Meeting ID: 923 7098 8995
Password : 712616