It gives us immense pleasure to share one of our Young Tourism Professional (YTP) and member of PATA Nepal Student Chapter, Ms Nisha Bhote studying at our member college-Nepal College of Travel and Tourism Management (NCTTM) is on her mission to reach the top of the world, Mt. Everest commencing her journey on March 29, 2019 for the next two months.
The brave and active Nisha Bhote, one of the promising members of YTP at PATA Nepal Chapter obtained a climbing permit entitled ‘First Bhote Female Everest Climber’.
Embracing the mission of ascending Mount Everest as inspired by her father Mr Jamling Bhote who is also a mountaineer and currently runs an adventure company called Ever Quest Expeditions, Nisha’s quest in life is phenomenal !!
Nisha believes that tourism is the only sector that embraces people from all walks of life at the workplace without discrimination and limitations of career choices in skill, gender, caste, and religion.
She observes the limited numbers of womenfolks engaged in the tourism sector and wishes to inspire young Nepalese women to come out of their shell and work to establish their future career in the tourism and hospitality industry. She wishes to promote tourism of Nepal by achieving her childhood dream – that of climbing to the summit of Mount Everest.
We extend our very best wishes to Nisha for a safe and successful expedition!