Familiarization trip for media representatives from India was organized by Nepal Tourism Board under the initiation of PATA Nepal Chapter from 4- 12 March, 2016. An Eight day FAM Trip with 4 Journalists from Rajya Sabha TV, Delhi visited Nepal with the aim to interact with the people from Kathmandu, Birgunj and Pokhara. This was done to give them the opportunity to interact with people about the future plans to build back Nepal!
The meeting with Hon’ble Prime Minister K.P. Oli gave the Journalists an insight to what Nepal was facing after the 25/04 Earthquake and the blockade but at the same time highlighting the opportunities Nepal and India had and have. It was a meeting that highlighted hope of better days in the future with India.
The focus was put on Media representatives from the political background and meetings were organized with the Hon’ble Prime Minister K.P. Oli, Tourism Entrepreneurs and Journalists.
Covering the Recovery Strategies, the team of Journalists interacted with representatives from the private sectors of the areas visited.