Dear Chapter Members and Industry Stakeholders,
Season’s Greetings!
Thank you very much for extending your full-hearted trust and confidence by electing me to serve as the 13th Chairman of PATA Nepal Chapter. I stand here as the grateful and humble beneficiary of the numerous legacies and achievements of my predecessors and I have taken this appointment as an opportunity with the immense responsibility to safeguard the legacy of this institution.
As you all are aware that the 41st AGM of the chapter has endorsed to initiate a campaign of VISION FIVE MILLION with an objective to invite 5 Million tourists in Nepal by 2030. The chapter in the days to come shall be playing an instrumental role as a “Software Partner” to initiate dialogues with all necessary individual and organizational stakeholders in building missions from all aspects including Infrastructure, Policy Reforms, Marketing and Products or Human Capital whatever or whenever seems necessary in achieving this great objective. We shall be working in full harmony with the Government, Nepal Tourism Board or any other Association, Institutions, Individuals from the private or public sector.
The chapter shall also be engaging the scholars and research professionals and initiate task forces to visualize the impact on the economy, social sector and human development by calculating the results of Post Five Million Arrivals and identify where our indicators would have reached in various areas such as revenue maximization, foreign currency, employment, cash flow, GDP, infrastructure development, socio-economic mobilization and other related facts.
In connection to this, your continued patronage, collaboration and suggestions are a vital part of our growth and activism. We are grateful for your continued support and cooperation extended to PATA Nepal Chapter and look forward to your further recommendations and support in each and every initiative of PATA Nepal Chapter.
I assure you without any reservation that PATA Nepal Chapter will continue to work with the spirit of PATA HQ and also committed to working closely with the Government, Ministry of Tourism, Nepal Tourism Board and will reach out to work closely with all our tourism-related associations and private sectors for the overall promotion, expansion and development of Nepalese Tourism Industry.
If you require any further assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Thanking You,