April 11, 2017: PATA Nepal Chapter is pleased to announce the opening of Seller Registrations for Himalayan Travel Mart (HTM) being held from June 1-4, 2017. HTM is a B2B Event with the participation of International Buyers from Europe, North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Russia & CIS, Asia and Gulf and Himalayan Sellers from Nepal, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua, Central Asia and Indo China.
The Himalayan Travel Mart 2017 is being organized from 1st- 4th of June 2017 with the aim to re-define Adventure Tourism and also establish Nepal, as a Gateway to the Himalaya. The event is being hosted by Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation (Government of Nepal) with the support of PATA International, NTB, Nepal Airlines Corporation and other pertinent Stake Holders. PATA Nepal Chapter is the Implementing Agent/Organizer of the event.
A one day conference is being organized on 2nd June 2017 on key topics related to Hospitality & Tourism, Aviation, and Management with International Speakers from around the world. Prior to HTM, PATA Nepal Chapter is organizing the International Travel Bloggers & Media Conference (ITBMC) on 1st June 2017 with an aim to bring together Professional Travel Bloggers, International Media persons, as well as a dynamic line-up of National and International, thought leaders across the world to observe and showcase the beauty of Nepal to the world.
ITBMC delegates will be engaging on FAM Trip from May 23-31, 2017 and will also be participating at the celebration of Mt. Everest Day at International Mountain Museum on 29th May 2017 in Pokhara.
To register for the event or to know more about HTM, click here.